Friday, October 17, 2014

Unfathomable decisions by people managing Twitter in India

Everyone is aware that US visit of Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi was a super duper hit and the reception he received at Madison Square Garden was like a Rock Star.

But one of the journalist of alleged newstraders type, i.e. Shri Rajdeep Sardesai slapped an Indian outside Madison Square Garden. First of all lets see the full unedited video of the incident.

As it is widely known by now, thanks to circulation of multiple videos on social media and a hard hitting truthful show by Zee TV on Shri Rajdeep Sardesai, that it was Sardesai who tried to provoke people into giving divisive answers. When Sardesai was not able to get the answers needed by him he allegedly came down to the level of rowdy ruffian and started abusing people.

No wonder, Sardesai was replied in the same coin and this made Sardesai more aggressive making him dash to hit someone who was offended by Sardesai’s behavior. The rest is History.

Innumerable people felt that Sardesai had shamed the nation by behaving like a rowdy ruffian and raised the issue using hashtag #HTSackRajdeep on Social Media including Facebook and Twitter. I, Suresh Nakhua (twitter handle @sureshnakhua) was also one of them. I also prepared a petition on to be submitted to Shri Aroon Purie, head of India Today group for sacking of Sardesai due to his hooligan like behavior which shamed the nation.

What I witnessed suddenly on evening of 29/09/2014 was that my twitter handle was suspended by Twitter Authorities. I had not received any information / warning etc citing the reasons for suspension for my twitter account. I had to make another twitter handle @nakhuasuresh to fight this issue.

After raising lot of hue and cry and very well supported by friends and well wishers who whole heartedly stood by me using hashtag #IStandwithSureshNakhua, Twitter suddenly restored my twitter handle @sureshnakhua and a just a terse (actually threatening) mail was sent that account was restored after deletion of some tweet/s. Here is the screenshot of mail by twitter.

On communicating with Twitter regarding which tweets were deleted, Twitter support turned incommunicado and no reply has been received till 17/10/2014 evening.
What I am not able to understand
      1)      Why was the Twitter handle @sureshnakhua suspended?
      2)      If it was suspended due to valid reasons, why was it restored?
      3)      Which tweet/s was/were deleted?
      4)      Why is Twitter not communicating?
      5)      Was the handle suspended to taking on Sardesai on his rowdy behavior?

Is decision making in Twitter so arbitrary that they suspend and restore handle according to their whims and fancies. Or is there a bigger story behind it. Were Sardesai and / or India Today Group pressurizing Twitter to suspend my handle?

I am still awaiting the answer.

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